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Enter to win a Party Machine!

Contest Starts: 03/13/2017
Contest Ends: 04/02/2017
Enter to win a Party Machine!
Our good friends at Universal have hooked us up with pretty much the ultimate prize to support their new movie Sing (out Tuesday the 21st on DVD & Blu Ray): a bonafide party machine! This all-in-one speaker is bluetooth compatible and syncs lights and strobes to the beat of whatever you're playing through it. Just tell us what song you love to sing in the car (or shower, or whatever) and you're entered to win. Plus check out SING if you're in the market for singing and dancing animated animals (trust me, you are - it's an awesome movie)
Only one entry per email allowed.
A question must be answered!

Entry Form

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Question: What's your favorite song to sing in the car?


Newsletter Signup:   
Please enter the Artist or Movie Title you see here!

Please enter the Artist or Movie Title you see here!

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